When segmentation process is done, you have pretty clear picture of who is your target group. It should be clear by now that various segments of your target group have different needs which they are expecting to receive from your side. We will call it unique value that will help them solve their problems or achieve certain benefits.

So, we need to create a values which will help each segment of the target group to finish their task (read something, learn, inform or do) and achieve benefits from it, to be satisfied.

When creating a value proposition for your beneficiary, have in mind some of the most important elements like accessibility, performance, risk reduction, newness, customization, getting the job done, security, convenience/usability, status, cost reduction, design and price. By doing this for each job and each beneficiary, you’ve actually created a value proposition of your project.

Steps to do it:

  • In the context of your work and your offer, what one segment of the target group expect from you?
  • Try to translate that into “need” of that segment. List all needs of one segment.
  • Think of “needs” both, as an opportunity to solve some problems they have or as an opportunity to gain some additional value from you.
  • When you defined all needs, help your target group to achieve them. Transfer your help to them into OFFER.

This offer is a VALUE you want to deliver to some segment of the target group. Next step is to involve those values into communication messages which is going to be topic of the following pages of this toolkit. On the picture bellow you can see a Value Proposition CANVAS , methodology used for defining a value proposition for your target group.

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